Although I am not a fan of 3d printed eyewear, it is an unmistakable trend these days. The customizability of the size and endless possibilities of shapes and structures are populair features that make eyewear manufacturers chose to add 3d printed frames to their collection, but also some completely new players have stepped into the market, due to the low threshold in manufacturing and stock.
What I personally do like, is using 3d printing technology to create shapes that were otherwise impossible to manufacture with conventional production methods. Brands like Cabrio Eyewear, that create beautiful pieces of art from plastic and even titanium. Other brands, like Monoqool, Götti or FMHofmann chose this production proccess to create frames that are ultra light. Also, the digital design process allows anyone who has some CAD skills to create their own pair, which can be manufactured and ordered online through severel web companies.
Then there are brands that allow customization in the store, where consumers’s face can be sized and measured by a facial scan in order to create a perfectly matches frame. A recently released platform called Yuniku that allows any eyewear brand to take part. For glasses-wearers, Yuniku represents a future where lenses and frames work together rather than compromising each other; where their specific Optical needs and aesthetic preferences can be met in a single pair of glasses.
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