An unprecedented year deserves an alternative approach! For the first time, the SILMO d’Or award ceremony will be broadcast live on the social networks of Silmo.
Saturday 3 October at 2pm on :
[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”Amélie Morel” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=”17″] We couldn’t imagine not supporting those exhibitors who have continued to launch products revealing their talents despite the lock-down. The Silmo d’Or awards are a compelling spotlight of the entire industry. [/perfectpullquote]
The trade fair has adapted to the current situation with an itinerant version, Hors les Murs (Outside the Walls).
October 3 and 4 – PARIS – Jardin des Tuileries
October 12 – BORDEAUX – Hangar 14
October 19 – RENNES – Château des Pères
October 26 – LYON – La Sucrière
Don’t forget to ask for your badge for SILMO Outside the Walls.