Vontélle Eyewear // Frames with Ethnic Flair

Jenn is brightening every room like a dignitary with these captivating square frames by Vontélle Eyewear. We love how their designer used textiles on the temples, showcasing the bold colors of the African Diaspora as a signature pattern, in celebration of the brand’s slogan #fullfacefashion.

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These glasses come in 3 colors: Black Nile with the Vontélle logo pattern (as Dr. Chin is wearing), Blue Nile with a batik/Ankara pattern on the temples, and Gold Nile – brown with a gold Ankara pattern on the temples.

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About Vontélle Eyewear:

The concept for Vontélle was born out of a need of both founders, who each lost their expensive eyewear within the same year and decided to focus their efforts on making their next purchases from a Black-owned brand. After searching high and low for glasses that were stylish, better fitting, and had an ethnic flair, they realized it simply did not exist. That is when Tracy suggested we start our own line and Nancey booked our fate-determining trip to Paris. Due to their loss, the company offers unique protection for consumers by providing a one-year/one-time replacement warranty from the date of purchase if your eyewear is lost, stolen, damaged, or broken.

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Most importantly, Vontélle Eyewear’s handcrafted designs are for diverse faces. As their research concluded that many of us are wearing ill-fitting glasses. Vontélle wider bridges for your nose, longer temples for no pain behind the ears, and larger lenses for high cheekbones will fit comfortably on your face. Although the pandemic continues to ravage our nation, many people especially minorities are forced to forge new paths and career journeys. It is no different for these two new fashion couture eyewear designers. Thus, they added mid-production matching masks in the same eye-catching and awe-inspiring patterns as the eyewear. They have coined the phrase/slogan #fullfacefashion.

Eyewear is not only an extension of your wardrobe but a necessary medical device. Vontélle understands that eyewear is essential and realizes the importance of quality, thus wanting to help with eye health disparities. The National Institute of Health’s National Eye Institute reports that African Americans are more likely to have cataracts, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy than any other ethnic group. Befittingly, the Co-Founders have partnered with WIN (Women in Need), the largest provider of family shelter and supportive housing in New York City. The eyewear company has partnered with local optometrists to offer free eye exams, vision companies, and foundations to provide free eyeglasses and pay for prescription lenses.

Read more about this beautiful American brand on TEF Magazine or visit their website.

Shooting: TEFdoesSANDIEGO
Eyewear: Nile by Vontélle Eyewear
Model: Dr. Jennifer Chin, optometrist and eyewear blogger at Dr.ChinnChinn

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