QLDS // New patent for Natural Addition Lens

Quest Vision’s president Michael Walach has been granted a new efficacy patent for their Broadview Natural Addition Lens (NAL®). Their new free-form multifocal NAL® is unique in that it gives single vision like viewing experience with the performance of a multifocal lens and does not require the Fitting Height value.

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QLDS software uses the VCA Lens Design Communication protocol for communicating with Laboratory Management Systems (LMS). QLDS is the exclusive provider of the NAL® technology, licensing digital free-form labs worldwide.

About QLDS:

QLDS offers their business partners the technology and services they need to manufacture excellent lenses worldwide. They do this by providing support through each step of the product creation process, from product development, design review, product installation, manufacturing and go to market strategy. Their ​offerings include; Digital Lens Designs, Training (Sales and Laboratory Processing), Installation Support, Quality Control and Process Improvement, Customer Support, Marketing Assistance and Custom product development.

QLDS is a private, fully independent company, established in June 2016 engaged in the development of Digital Lens Design Software. QLDS values creativity and delivers superior solutions to the lens industry worldwide. QLDS’s primary focus is to create a new series of Lens Designs that will provide lined-multifocal wearers a safer, more comfortable and aesthetically appealing visual experience.

QLDS was started as a joint venture between Softlinkers, a software development company in Poland, and a group of optical experts in the US. Softlinkers has a strong IT background developing B2B applications and Lens Design Software. Our optical experts have over 100 years of combined experience in all aspects of corrective optical lens design, production technology, as well as hands-on optical retail and wholesale experience.

QLDS has created a state-of-the-art Lens Design Software platform using a new patent utility called Direct Addition Lens (DAL) to produce unique, enhanced visual performance prescription lenses that will change how the industry views lined-multifocal lenses as we know them today.

Read more about this brand on TEF Magazine or visit their website.

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