VisionTech is a company born from the idea of the three co-founders Emilio and Francesco Mazzocco (Ophthalmic entrepreneurs) and Alessandro Cacciatori (IT entrepreneur). Their headquarters is in Rome but they are well known even on an international level. Lately they’ve been able to expand their business in Europe and China.
Their top-notch product is called Opto+, a Lens Design Software (LDS), the first cloud solution available worldwide, with an integrated viewer that gives the client (lenses laboratory) a graphical presentation of the lens before printing them. Until now every lab had to print the lens first, and only after that, verify if the lens was the one they were looking for.
So it’s a little revolution on the LDS panorama, considering also that their cloud solution promises to get the design for each lens ready in 5 seconds, while competitors take 5x more on average.
Their plan is to innovate the ophthalmic lens market creating the perfect lenses with the most advanced technology.
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They have 23 designs lined up in 9 series:
Their entry level lenses, good for people with no particular need (extreme sport, long work hours). They have a great adaptability and can be used also to treat astigmatism better.
hard progressive lenses, particularly suggested for long distance seeing (for example it’s perfect for drivers).
This is a one of a kind product that promises the lab to design the lens 100% custom: for example they can decide the exact value for the far, near and intermediate zone. This gives control to the lab technician, allowing to experiment by changing every possible setting.
Their best selling product made for people who spend a long time doing activities in open spaces. Their flagship is the fantasy design, appreciated by people who like to play sports.
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One of the most interesting lens design they have, these are for people who have both an office job and a life out of the office (walking, reading, practising sports), all in one pair of glasses.
Progressive lenses made specifically for people who work hard in front of a screen for many hours.
Progressive lenses made for students who use a lot of e-devices for reading. They don’t strain the eyes and are suitable also for long studying sessions.
Bifocal lenses used by elderly people that can’t stand progressive/multifocal.
This design is very suitable for kids with myopia: in fact it’s possible to make, after a lot of complicated calculation handled by the software itself, lenses that slow down the process of myopia at an early stage. Normally myopia gets worse as time gets by, but this lens design promises to get a pair of glasses that stops the process.
Opto+ is the future in LDS software, fast, reliable and a valid lens analysis and quality control tool. Opto+ – Watch every second of your life, with the perfect lens
Read more about this brand on TEF Magazine or visit their website.