Pierre Eyewear

Vision with action can change the world. These untamed sunnies by Pierre Eyewear are chic with feral French-made accents. The ideal battle suit for the urban jungle of the City of Angels.

To Pierre, eyewear should be an object of beauty. Above and beyond being a fashion accessory, it can be a work of art! An ergonomic and comfortable object, naturally, but also one that is a pleasure to look at, to possess and, of course, to wear.

Certainly, a singular style. Subtile and ingenious. Striking allure and purity of design for this, his first collection. The clever forms are enhanced by a careful choice of colours. His motto: Harmony of elegance and simplicity.

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Shooting: TEFdoesLA
Eyewear: Pierre Eyewear
Model: Amy Roiland of aFashionNerd

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