TD Tom Davies

Being Austrian, Jennifer​ has a strong connection with quality and design that stays true to its nature. Design should match your face as well as personality. The bespoke eyewear of TD Tom Davies matches that perfectly. Why compromise on your glasses? Your eyewear is such a personal item, why should it not be made personally for you?

In 1996, British spectacle designer Tom Davies began working for a startup eyewear factory in Hong Kong, producing products for international brands, such as Tissot from the Swatch Group, Seiko and Fossil. From the very beginning of his career in eyewear, Tom identified a need to offer customers properly fitted frames that were exceptionally comfortable, elegant and made with meticulous craftsmanship.

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Shooting: TEFdoesZURICH
Eyewear: TD Tom Davies
Model: Jennifer Bitsche of Faceprint
Photographer: Simon Bitsche

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